
In other media

  • The Quincy McIver incarnation of Bushmaster appeared in The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes episodes «Ultron-5», «Along Came a Spider…», and «Yellowjacket». He is a member of the Serpent Society and is depicted to having a snake-like appearance.
  • The John McIver incarnation of Bushmaster appeared in Luke Cage, portrayed by Mustafa Shakir. This version of the character is Jamaican and has a past connection with the Stokes family in that his father Quincy McIver was business partners with Buggy Stokes. However, the Stokes betrayed McIver’s family and killed his parents. One day, McIver was shot in the market by Buggy’s brother Pete, and was rescued by his uncle Paul «Anansi» Mackintosh using nightshade root. It is implied that he survived due to a vaccination he received from his youth. Years later, he sets his sights on taking Harlem from Mariah Dillard, Buggy’s granddaughter, but he briefly shifts his focus to Luke Cage whom he finds problematic. In addition, he gains leadership over the Yardies offshoot called the Stylers with Sheldon (portrayed by Kevin Mambo) as his right-hand man. Cage confronts him in his hideout while he is looking for Nigel, whom McIver had killed and beheaded previously. Later on, he confronts Cage by attacking him on the street. After knocking him out, McIver stains Cage’s reputation and continues his attack on Dillard. After killing some of Dillard’s associates, something McIver was proud of, Anansi berates him for it. Cage confronts McIver again, but this time manages to beat him. At the last moment however, McIver temporarily paralyzes Cage and kicks him into the river, though he survives. McIver eventually captures Piranha Jones and forces him to give him the accounting numbers from Dillard leaving her with virtually nothing, taking the nightclub Harlem’s Paradise and kills Jones afterwards. He next arrives at Dillard’s home and attempts to burn her alive, but Cage rescues her. Upon learning of her survival and Cage’s rescue of her, McIver angrily sends a hit out on Dillard, Cage, and their loved ones. Eventually, Nandi Tyler (a police detective and Misty Knight’s rival) lets out where Dillard is and McIver shows up with his men to take her and her daughter Tilda. Cage fights McIver and successfully subdues him for the police to arrive. While in custody however, McIver escapes and makes it to Tilda’s store where Sheldon forces her to help McIver. Tilda manages to heal McIver with what little nightshade he has left only to learn that Anansi was killed by Dillard. He sees his Aunt Ingrid and talks with Cage who tells him he needs to leave. Dillard tries to strike at McIver with drugs in his name resulting in him and Cage taking out a warehouse together. He still makes an attempt on Dillard’s life at the request of Tilda who also wants her dead, but Cage finally beats McIver for good who flees beaten and bruised. With his bid for Harlem over, an injured and tired McIver decides to return to Jamaica with Ingrid to give Anansi a proper funeral leaving Tilda with the desire to kill Dillard herself. Sheldon later informs Luke that Bushmaster has left for Jamaica.


  1. McDiarmid R. W., Campbell J. A., Touré T. Snake Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. — Herpetologists’ League, 1999. — Т. I. — 512 с. — ISBN 1-893777-00-6.
  2. , Боркин Л. Я., , Орлов Н. Л. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Амфибии и рептилии. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. . — М.: Рус. яз., 1988. — С. 341. — 10 500 экз. — ISBN 5-200-00232-X.
  3. ↑  (недоступная ссылка). Дата обращения 3 августа 2009.
  4. Brown JH. 1973. Toxicology and Pharmacology of Venoms from Poisonous Snakes. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas. 184 pp. LCCCN 73-229. ISBN 0-398-02808-7.

Powers and abilities

The first Bushmaster had street-fighting skills. He later went through the same process that gave Luke Cage his powers which gave him superhuman strength and durability. As Power Master, he can absorb energies from other people.[volume & issue needed]

The second Bushmaster was given bionic prosthetic limbs and a tail attached through surgery courtesy of the Roxxon Oil Company and Brand Corporation. His long, snake-like, superhumanly strong bionic tail enables him to move and strike at superhuman speed. He has two 6-inch (150 mm) «fangs» strapped to the back of each of his hands, which are needle sharp at the tips and contain a fast-acting poison derived from snake venom.[volume & issue needed]

In other mediaedit

  • The Quincy McIver incarnation of Bushmaster appeared in The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes episodes «Ultron-5», «Along Came a Spider…», and «Yellowjacket». He is a member of the Serpent Society and is depicted to having a snake-like appearance.
  • The John McIver incarnation of Bushmaster appeared in Luke Cage, portrayed by Mustafa Shakir. This version of the character is Jamaican and has a past connection with the Stokes family in that his father Quincy McIver was business partners with Buggy Stokes. However, the Stokes betrayed McIver’s family and killed his parents. One day, McIver was shot in the market by Buggy’s brother Pete, and was rescued by his uncle Paul «Anansi» Mackintosh using nightshade root. It is implied that he survived due to a vaccination he received from his youth. Years later, he sets his sights on taking Harlem from Mariah Dillard, Buggy’s granddaughter, but he briefly shifts his focus to Luke Cage whom he finds problematic. In addition, he gains leadership over the Yardies offshoot called the Stylers with Sheldon (portrayed by Kevin Mambo) as his right-hand man. Cage confronts him in his hideout while he is looking for Nigel, whom McIver had killed and beheaded previously. Later on, he confronts Cage by attacking him on the street. After knocking him out, McIver stains Cage’s reputation and continues his attack on Dillard. After killing some of Dillard’s associates, something McIver was proud of, Anansi berates him for it. Cage confronts McIver again, but this time manages to beat him. At the last moment however, McIver temporarily paralyzes Cage and kicks him into the river, though he survives. McIver eventually captures Piranha Jones and forces him to give him the accounting numbers from Dillard leaving her with virtually nothing, taking the nightclub Harlem’s Paradise and kills Jones afterwards. He next arrives at Dillard’s home and attempts to burn her alive, but Cage rescues her. Upon learning of her survival and Cage’s rescue of her, McIver angrily sends a hit out on Dillard, Cage, and their loved ones. Eventually, Nandi Tyler (a police detective and Misty Knight’s rival) lets out where Dillard is and McIver shows up with his men to take her and her daughter Tilda. Cage fights McIver and successfully subdues him for the police to arrive. While in custody however, McIver escapes and makes it to Tilda’s store where Sheldon forces her to help McIver. Tilda manages to heal McIver with what little nightshade he has left only to learn that Anansi was killed by Dillard. He sees his Aunt Ingrid and talks with Cage who tells him he needs to leave. Dillard tries to strike at McIver with drugs in his name resulting in him and Cage taking out a warehouse together. He still makes an attempt on Dillard’s life at the request of Tilda who also wants her dead, but Cage finally beats McIver for good who flees beaten and bruised. With his bid for Harlem over, an injured and tired McIver decides to return to Jamaica with Ingrid to give Anansi a proper funeral leaving Tilda with the desire to kill Dillard herself. Sheldon later informs Luke that Bushmaster has left for Jamaica.


Ранняя жизнь

Эн Дви Гаст родился миллионы лет назад вместе со своим братом Танелером Тиваном. В то время, как его брат стал одержим коллекционированием предметов и представителей различных рас, Грандмастера увлекли гладиаторские бои пришельцев.

Правитель Сакаара

Халк против Тора

Грандмастер и Локи смотрят бой Халка и Тора.

Перед боем на арене, Тору подстригают его длинные волосы и дают оружие с щитом. Голограмма Грандмастера появилась на арене, где он приветствовал зрителей, а также представил нового бойца арены: «Лорда грома». Внутри арены Тор обнаруживает, что чемпионом Грандмастера является его старый друг Халк, которого он не видел со времен сражения с Альтроном. Увидев Халка, Локи решил убираться прочь с этой планеты, но его остановил Грандмастер, и они сели смотреть бой. Тор был так сильно рад видеть Халка, что крикнул Грандмастеру, что Халк его «друг с работы», на что удивлённым взглядом Грандмастер посмотрел на Локи. Тор радостно рассказывал ему о последних событиях, но Халк был настроен на бой, а Бог грома удивился, что Беннер не вспоминает его. Во время боя, Тор пытается успокоить его с колыбельной Чёрной вдовы, но терпит неудачу. Халк так сильно избивал Тора, что он случайно активировал истинную природу своей силы, и почти победил чемпиона арены в конце, но Грандмастер включил контролирующий диск, чтобы подавить Тора, тем самым саботировав победу Халка.

Манипуляция Локи

Грандмастер угрожает Локи и Сталкеру 142.

Грандмастер приказывает Сталкеру 142 и Локи найти Тора и Халка. Позже они оба начали драться за добычу, и Локи залез ей в голову, откуда узнал о её прошлом. Она решает помочь Тору, взяв Локи в плен, чтобы доказать свою доброжелательность. Не желая оставаться, Локи предоставляет группе возможность украсть один из кораблей Грандмастера.

Раздел биографии пуст.Вы можете помочь вики, написав или дополнив биографию.

Powers and abilitiesedit

The first Bushmaster had street-fighting skills. He later went through the same process that gave Luke Cage his powers which gave him superhuman strength and durability. As Power Master, he can absorb energies from other people.[volume & issue needed]

The second Bushmaster was given bionic prosthetic limbs and a tail attached through surgery courtesy of the Roxxon Oil Company and Brand Corporation. His long, snake-like, superhumanly strong bionic tail enables him to move and strike at superhuman speed. He has two 6-inch (150 mm) «fangs» strapped to the back of each of his hands, which are needle sharp at the tips and contain a fast-acting poison derived from snake venom.[volume & issue needed]

In other media

  • The Quincy McIver incarnation of Bushmaster appeared in The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes episodes «Ultron-5», «Along Came a Spider…», and «Yellowjacket». He is a member of the Serpent Society and is depicted to having a snake-like appearance.
  • The John McIver incarnation of Bushmaster appeared in , portrayed by . This version of the character is Jamaican and has a past connection with the Stokes family in that his father Quincy McIver was business partners with Buggy Stokes. However, the Stokes betrayed McIver’s family and killed his parents. One day, McIver was shot in the market by Buggy’s brother Pete, and was rescued by his uncle Paul «Anansi» Mackintosh using nightshade root. It is implied that he survived due to a vaccination he received from his youth. Years later, he sets his sights on taking Harlem from , Buggy’s granddaughter, but he briefly shifts his focus to Luke Cage whom he finds problematic. In addition, he gains leadership over the Yardies offshoot called the Stylers with Sheldon (portrayed by Kevin Mambo) as his right-hand man. Cage confronts him in his hideout while he is looking for Nigel, whom McIver had killed and beheaded previously. Later on, he confronts Cage by attacking him on the street. After knocking him out, McIver stains Cage’s reputation and continues his attack on Dillard. After killing some of Dillard’s associates, something McIver was proud of, Anansi berates him for it. Cage confronts McIver again, but this time manages to beat him. At the last moment however, McIver temporarily paralyzes Cage and kicks him into the river, though he survives. McIver eventually captures and forces him to give him the accounting numbers from Dillard leaving her with virtually nothing, taking the nightclub Harlem’s Paradise and kills Jones afterwards. He next arrives at Dillard’s home and attempts to burn her alive, but Cage rescues her. Upon learning of her survival and Cage’s rescue of her, McIver angrily sends a hit out on Dillard, Cage, and their loved ones. Eventually, Nandi Tyler (a police detective and ‘s rival) lets out where Dillard is and McIver shows up with his men to take her and her daughter . Cage fights McIver and successfully subdues him for the police to arrive. While in custody however, McIver escapes and makes it to Tilda’s store where Sheldon forces her to help McIver. Tilda manages to heal McIver with what little nightshade he has left only to learn that Anansi was killed by Dillard. He sees his Aunt Ingrid and talks with Cage who tells him he needs to leave. Dillard tries to strike at McIver with drugs in his name resulting in him and Cage taking out a warehouse together. He still makes an attempt on Dillard’s life at the request of Tilda who also wants her dead, but Cage finally beats McIver for good who flees beaten and bruised. With his bid for Harlem over, an injured and tired McIver decides to return to Jamaica with Ingrid to give Anansi a proper funeral leaving Tilda with the desire to kill Dillard herself. Sheldon later informs Luke that Bushmaster has left for Jamaica.

Publication historyedit

The first Bushmaster (John McIver) first appeared in Iron Fist #15 (September 1977) created by writer Chris Claremont and writer/artist John Byrne. John McIver, known as John Bushmaster, became a Maggia crime boss in Europe and later expanded into the United States. In the United States, he was confronted by Misty Knight, Iron Fist and Power Man. Due to an accident during a fight with Power Man, Bushmaster was transformed into «Unliving metal», which later led to his death.

The second Bushmaster (Quincy McIver), first appeared in Captain America #310 (October 1985), created by Mark Gruenwald and Paul Neary. Quincy McIver, younger brother of John, lost both his arms and legs in a boating accident while trying to avoid the police. The Roxxon Oil Company used their resources to graft bionic arms to Quincy’s body and replace his severed legs with a long bionic snake tail, transforming him into Bushmaster. He became a founding member of the Serpent Society, finding acceptance among the team. He would remain loyal to Society leader Sidewinder when Viper took control of the Serpent Society. He was not shown to be a member of Serpent Solutions when the Society was reorganized.

External links

Bushmaster, in comics, may refer to:

Bushmaster (Marvel Comics), two Marvel supervillains

Bushmaster (DC Comics), a DC Comics character

Supporting characters
  • Bushmaster
  • Captain America: Reborn
  • Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America
  • Truth: Red, White & Black
  • Captain America and Nick Fury: Blood Truce
  • Captain America and Nick Fury: The Otherworld War
  • Captain America: White
  • «Captain America: The Captain»
  • «»
  • «»
  • (1990)
  • Captain America: The First Avenger


  • Captain America: The Winter Soldier


  • Captain America: Civil War


  • (1979)
  • Captain America II: Death Too Soon (1979)
  • «»
  • Captain America in: The Doom Tube of Dr. Megalomann
  • Captain America: Super Soldier
  • Bushmaster
In other media
Related articles
  • Bushmaster
In other media


In his youth, John McIver’s family was betrayed by their friends, the Stokes family, and cheated out of their business, the Bushmaster rum factory. After John’s father was murdered, he and his mother were forced to flee to Jamaica where John grew up. However, having witnessed his mother murdered at the hands of the Stokes family and nearly dying at their hands himself, John became determined to get revenge on the Stokes family.

Fueled by a mystical herb known as Nightshade, which enhanced his strength and stamina and made him bullet-proof, John donned the name «Bushmaster» after the lost empire of his family and returned to New York in order to destroy the last remnant of the Stokes family, Mariah Dillard.

His obsession with vengeance has driven Bushmaster to insanity and became willing to eliminate Mariah by any means necessary, even hurting the civilians of Harlem if he must, which the rest of his family disapprove him doing. In his quest for vengeance he has come into multiple confrontations with Harlem’s Hero Luke Cage. Bushmaster tried and failed at each turn to eliminate Luke Cage as he is the only person standing between him and Mariah Stokes. Furthermore, the prolonged use of Nightshade destroys both Bushmaster’s mind and body, forcing him to flee back to Jamaica in order to regenerate his former strength. As a result, Bushmaster is forced to leave the safety of Harlem in the hands of Luke Cage.

Despite him abandoning his plan of revenge, Bushmaster ultimately gets the vengeance he was aiming for when Mariah is killed by her own daughter, Tilda Johnson.

Powers and abilities

The first Bushmaster had street-fighting skills. He later went through the same process that gave Luke Cage his powers which gave him superhuman strength and durability. As Power Master, he can absorb energies from other people.

The second Bushmaster was given bionic prosthetic limbs and a tail attached through surgery courtesy of the Roxxon Oil Company and Brand Corporation. His long, snake-like, superhumanly strong bionic tail enables him to move and strike at superhuman speed. He has two 6-inch (150 mm) «fangs» strapped to the back of each of his hands, which are needle sharp at the tips and contain a fast-acting poison derived from snake venom.

Powers and abilities

The first Bushmaster had street-fighting skills. He later went through the same process that gave Luke Cage his powers which gave him superhuman strength and durability. As Power Master, he can absorb energies from other people.[volume & issue needed]

The second Bushmaster was given bionic prosthetic limbs and a tail attached through surgery courtesy of the Roxxon Oil Company and Brand Corporation. His long, snake-like, superhumanly strong bionic tail enables him to move and strike at superhuman speed. He has two 6-inch (150 mm) «fangs» strapped to the back of each of his hands, which are needle sharp at the tips and contain a fast-acting poison derived from snake venom.[volume & issue needed]

Powers and abilitiesedit

The first Bushmaster had street-fighting skills. He later went through the same process that gave Luke Cage his powers which gave him superhuman strength and durability. As Power Master, he can absorb energies from other people.[volume & issue needed]

The second Bushmaster was given bionic prosthetic limbs and a tail attached through surgery courtesy of the Roxxon Oil Company and Brand Corporation. His long, snake-like, superhumanly strong bionic tail enables him to move and strike at superhuman speed. He has two 6-inch (150 mm) «fangs» strapped to the back of each of his hands, which are needle sharp at the tips and contain a fast-acting poison derived from snake venom.[volume & issue needed]

In other mediaedit

  • The Quincy McIver incarnation of Bushmaster appeared in The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes episodes «Ultron-5», «Along Came a Spider…», and «Yellowjacket». He is a member of the Serpent Society and is depicted to having a snake-like appearance.
  • The John McIver incarnation of Bushmaster appeared in Luke Cage, portrayed by Mustafa Shakir. This version of the character is Jamaican and has a past connection with the Stokes family in that his father Quincy McIver was business partners with Buggy Stokes. However, the Stokes betrayed McIver’s family and killed his parents. One day, McIver was shot in the market by Buggy’s brother Pete, and was rescued by his uncle Paul «Anansi» Mackintosh using nightshade root. It is implied that he survived due to a vaccination he received from his youth. Years later, he sets his sights on taking Harlem from Mariah Dillard, Buggy’s granddaughter, but he briefly shifts his focus to Luke Cage whom he finds problematic. In addition, he gains leadership over the Yardies offshoot called the Stylers with Sheldon (portrayed by Kevin Mambo) as his right-hand man. Cage confronts him in his hideout while he is looking for Nigel, whom McIver had killed and beheaded previously. Later on, he confronts Cage by attacking him on the street. After knocking him out, McIver stains Cage’s reputation and continues his attack on Dillard. After killing some of Dillard’s associates, something McIver was proud of, Anansi berates him for it. Cage confronts McIver again, but this time manages to beat him. At the last moment however, McIver temporarily paralyzes Cage and kicks him into the river, though he survives. McIver eventually captures Piranha Jones and forces him to give him the accounting numbers from Dillard leaving her with virtually nothing, taking the nightclub Harlem’s Paradise and kills Jones afterwards. He next arrives at Dillard’s home and attempts to burn her alive, but Cage rescues her. Upon learning of her survival and Cage’s rescue of her, McIver angrily sends a hit out on Dillard, Cage, and their loved ones. Eventually, Nandi Tyler (a police detective and Misty Knight’s rival) lets out where Dillard is and McIver shows up with his men to take her and her daughter Tilda. Cage fights McIver and successfully subdues him for the police to arrive. While in custody however, McIver escapes and makes it to Tilda’s store where Sheldon forces her to help McIver. Tilda manages to heal McIver with what little nightshade he has left only to learn that Anansi was killed by Dillard. He sees his Aunt Ingrid and talks with Cage who tells him he needs to leave. Dillard tries to strike at McIver with drugs in his name resulting in him and Cage taking out a warehouse together. He still makes an attempt on Dillard’s life at the request of Tilda who also wants her dead, but Cage finally beats McIver for good who flees beaten and bruised. With his bid for Harlem over, an injured and tired McIver decides to return to Jamaica with Ingrid to give Anansi a proper funeral leaving Tilda with the desire to kill Dillard herself. Sheldon later informs Luke that Bushmaster has left for Jamaica.


  1. ^ Captain America Annual #10. Marvel Comics.
  2. Iron Fist #15. Marvel Comics.
  3. Marvel Team-Up #63. Marvel Comics.
  4. ^ Power Man #49. Marvel Comics.
  5. Power Man #48. Marvel Comics.
  6. Power Man #67. Marvel Comics.
  7. Cage #12. Marvel Comics.
  8. Captain America #310. Marvel Comics.
  9. Captain America #312-313
  10. Captain America #319. Marvel Comics.
  11. Captain America #341-342. Marvel Comics.
  12. Uncanny X-Men Annual #13. Marvel Comics.
  13. Captain America #365 (December 1989). Marvel Comics.
  14. Captain America #367 (February 1990). Marvel Comics.
  15. Captain America #380-382. Marvel Comics.
  16. Thunderbolts #104. Marvel Comics.
  17. Punisher War Journal Vol.2 #13. Marvel Comics.
  18. Punisher War Journal Vol. 2 #14-15. Marvel Comics.
  19. Wolverine vol. 3 #73. Marvel Comics.
  20. Avengers vs. X-Men #0. Marvel Comics.
  21. Captain America: Sam Wilson #5. Marvel Comics.
  22. Captain America: Steve Rogers #16
  23. Secret Empire #2. Marvel Comics.
  24. X-Men Gold #4 (2017). Marvel Comics.
  25. Jessica Jones #18 (2018). Marvel Comics.
  26. Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 5 #16. Marvel Comics.
  27. All-New Ultimates #2. Marvel Comics.
  28. Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies #4. Marvel Comics.
  29. ^ Green, Rashaad Ernesto (director); Nicole Mirante Matthews (writer) (June 22, 2018). «On and On». Marvel’s Luke Cage. Season 2. Episode 7. Netflix.
  30. ^ Surjik, Stephen (director); Nicole Mirante Matthews & Matthew Lopes (writer) (June 22, 2018). «The Creator». Marvel’s Luke Cage. Season 2. Episode 11. Netflix.
  31. Liu, Lucy (director); Cheo Hodari Coker (writer) (June 22, 2018). «Soul Brother #1». Marvel’s Luke Cage. Season 2. Episode 1. Netflix.
  32. Jobst, Marc (director); Matt Owens (writer) (June 22, 2018). «Wig Out». Marvel’s Luke Cage. Season 2. Episode 3. Netflix.
  33. Richardson-Whitfield, Salli (director); Matthew Lopes (writer) (June 22, 2018). «I Get Physical». Marvel’s Luke Cage. Season 2. Episode 4. Netflix.
  34. Shelton, Millicent (director); Aïda Mashaka Croal (writer) (June 22, 2018). «The Basement». Marvel’s Luke Cage. Season 2. Episode 6. Netflix.
  35. Barnette, Neema (director); Nathan Louis Jackson (writer) (June 22, 2018). «If It Ain’t Rough, It Ain’t Right». Marvel’s Luke Cage. Season 2. Episode 8. Netflix.
  36. Johnson, Clark (director); Matt Owens & Ian Stokes (writer) (June 22, 2018). «For Pete’s Sake». Marvel’s Luke Cage. Season 2. Episode 9. Netflix.
  37. Gout, Evarado (director); Aïda Mashaka Croal (writer) (June 22, 2018). «Can’t Front On Me». Marvel’s Luke Cage. Season 2. Episode 12. Netflix.
  38. Lopez, Alex Garcia (director); Cheo Hodari Coker (writer) (June 22, 2018). «They Reminisce Over You». Marvel’s Luke Cage. Season 2. Episode 13. Netflix.

Характеристика змеиного яда

Змеиный яд — прозрачное жидкое вещество жёлтого цвета, источником которого являются ядовитые железы, находящиеся в голове пресмыкающегося хищника. Змея делает жертве «инъекцию» специальными клыками, через которые и впускает в её тело смертельную эмульсию.

Химический состав змеиной жидкости уникален. В природном виде — это смертельное оружие, но каждый отдельный компонент может быть очень полезным для здоровья человека.

Состав яда:

  • белки являются источником энергии и поставщиком питательных веществ клеткам и органам, укрепляют иммунитет, нормализуют пищеварение и обмен веществ;
  • полипептиды — молекулы, в составе которых может быть более 10 аминокислот, незаменимых в борьбе с разными болезнями;
  • жирные кислоты улучшают приток крови в мозг, налаживают работу сердечно-сосудистой системы, отвечают за хорошее зрение и слух;
  • гидролазы — это ферменты, которые разжижают кровь, устраняя тромбы и гематомы;
  • протеазы очищают пищеварительную и кровеносную систему от вредных веществ (бактерий, аллергенов и различных антигенов);
  • нуклеазы обладают антибактериальным и противовирусным свойством, укрепляют защитные силы организма и улучшают генетический код человека;
  • оксидазы и каталазы выполняют функцию антиоксидантов;
  • микроэлементы уравновешивают кислотно-щелочной баланс.

Ознакомьтесь с самыми ядовитыми змеями Австралии и Африки.

Набор химических элементов в яде зависит от вида змеи. Это напрямую связано с тем, как он действует на жертву. По тому, как действует змеиная эмульсия — на кровь человека, его нервную систему или мышцы, различают 4 вида змеиного яда: гемотоксичный, нейротоксичный, цитотоксичный и миотоксичный.


Этот вид яда попадает в кровеносную систему и воздействует непосредственно на кровь жертвы. Но действие яда разных пресмыкающихся отличается. Например, после укуса гремучей змеи нарушается свёртываемость крови, она течёт, не останавливаясь.

А яд южноамериканской гадюки сурукуку, или бушмейстера, наоборот, сгущает кровь, и она быстро сворачивается. Такие свойства яда можно использовать для разжижения крови при тромбозах и для её свёртываемости при гемофилии.

Узнайте какими способами змеи рожают своё потомство, а также почему змеи сбрасывают кожу, как и когда они это делают.


Токсины ядовитого секрета воздействуют на центральную нервную систему, угнетая её и прекращая нейромышечную передачу. В результате останавливается работа сердечно-сосудистой и дыхательной систем.

Человек может умереть от удушья и паралича. Так действует яд сурукуку, кобры и морских змей. В малых дозах яд оказывает болеутоляющий и успокоительный эффект.


Яд некоторых гадюк оказывает местное действие, вызывая сильный отёк в месте укуса. В медицине это свойство яда используется для того, чтобы усилить кровообращение в определённой части тела и снять воспаление.

Яд храмовой гадюки, или куфии, активно используется в косметологии для разглаживания морщин и считается безопасной заменой ботокса.


Миотоксичный яд некоторых бразильских и африканских змей поражает мышцы укушенных ими жертв. Но уменьшенная доза ядовитого вещества снимает опухоли, рассасывает гематомы, эффективно помогает при лечении травм, ушибов и переломов.


  1. ^ Captain America Annual #10. Marvel Comics.
  2. Iron Fist #15. Marvel Comics.
  3. Marvel Team-Up #63. Marvel Comics.
  4. ^ Power Man #49. Marvel Comics.
  5. Power Man #48. Marvel Comics.
  6. Power Man #67. Marvel Comics.
  7. Cage #12. Marvel Comics.
  8. Captain America #310. Marvel Comics.
  9. Captain America #312-313
  10. Captain America #319. Marvel Comics.
  11. Captain America #341-342. Marvel Comics.
  12. Uncanny X-Men Annual #13. Marvel Comics.
  13. Captain America #365 (December 1989). Marvel Comics.
  14. Captain America #367 (February 1990). Marvel Comics.
  15. Captain America #380-382. Marvel Comics.
  16. Thunderbolts #104. Marvel Comics.
  17. Punisher War Journal Vol.2 #13. Marvel Comics.
  18. Punisher War Journal Vol. 2 #14-15. Marvel Comics.
  19. Wolverine vol. 3 #73. Marvel Comics.
  20. Avengers vs. X-Men #0. Marvel Comics.
  21. Captain America: Sam Wilson #5. Marvel Comics.
  22. Captain America: Steve Rogers #16
  23. Secret Empire #2. Marvel Comics.
  24. X-Men Gold #4 (2017). Marvel Comics.
  25. Jessica Jones #18 (2018). Marvel Comics.
  26. Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 5 #16. Marvel Comics.
  27. All-New Ultimates #2. Marvel Comics.
  28. Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies #4. Marvel Comics.
  29. ^ Green, Rashaad Ernesto (director); Nicole Mirante Matthews (writer) (June 22, 2018). «On and On». Marvel’s Luke Cage. Season 2. Episode 7. Netflix.
  30. ^ Surjik, Stephen (director); Nicole Mirante Matthews & Matthew Lopes (writer) (June 22, 2018). «The Creator». Marvel’s Luke Cage. Season 2. Episode 11. Netflix.
  31. Liu, Lucy (director); Cheo Hodari Coker (writer) (June 22, 2018). «Soul Brother #1». Marvel’s Luke Cage. Season 2. Episode 1. Netflix.
  32. Jobst, Marc (director); Matt Owens (writer) (June 22, 2018). «Wig Out». Marvel’s Luke Cage. Season 2. Episode 3. Netflix.
  33. Richardson-Whitfield, Salli (director); Matthew Lopes (writer) (June 22, 2018). «I Get Physical». Marvel’s Luke Cage. Season 2. Episode 4. Netflix.
  34. Shelton, Millicent (director); Aïda Mashaka Croal (writer) (June 22, 2018). «The Basement». Marvel’s Luke Cage. Season 2. Episode 6. Netflix.
  35. Barnette, Neema (director); Nathan Louis Jackson (writer) (June 22, 2018). «If It Ain’t Rough, It Ain’t Right». Marvel’s Luke Cage. Season 2. Episode 8. Netflix.
  36. Johnson, Clark (director); Matt Owens & Ian Stokes (writer) (June 22, 2018). «For Pete’s Sake». Marvel’s Luke Cage. Season 2. Episode 9. Netflix.
  37. Gout, Evarado (director); Aïda Mashaka Croal (writer) (June 22, 2018). «Can’t Front On Me». Marvel’s Luke Cage. Season 2. Episode 12. Netflix.
  38. Lopez, Alex Garcia (director); Cheo Hodari Coker (writer) (June 22, 2018). «They Reminisce Over You». Marvel’s Luke Cage. Season 2. Episode 13. Netflix.
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