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Launched in January 2013, Bissa was the first mine to be built by Nordgold in Africa. It is located approximately 85km north of Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso, and is accessible via Route Nationale 22, a tarmacked road connecting Kongoussi with Ouagadougou.

Bissa has grown into a world-class mine and the largest Nordgold operation in West Africa, reaching its full production capacity in just two months following launch. It is a multiple open-pit operation using a simple process flowsheet with robust Carbon-in-Leach (“CIL”) design well suited to the treatment of free milling gold.


In September 2016, Nordgold expanded its Bissa mine with the launch of a heap leach facility at the nearby Bouly deposit located only 5km away from Bissa on the border of Sabce and Mane rural
communes. Bouly’s construction and launch resulted from Nordgold’s successful exploration programme which identified a large, low-grade gold deposit in the immediate proximity of the existing Bissa operation. The mine construction was completed on schedule and involved an investment of US$140 million with approximately a third of it spent on services and products provided by local businesses.

Bouly mine is a single open pit operation with all-season heap leach facilities. It is technologically integrated with Bissa for its final processing stages, including desorption, electro-winning and smelting, which all take place at the Bissa’s processing plant. Much of Bissa’s infrastructure, including the camp, canteen, laboratory and raw water reservoir (Tiben dam) are also shared by both operations.


Environmental considerations have been key since the beginning of Bissa and Bouly’s design and construction with the objective to make environmental stewardship at both mines exemplary. At Bissa, ores are naturally metallurgically clean and its tailings storage facilities, designed and built by Golders, ensure the safe containment of waste on site. The Bouly leach pad and associated drains and ponds were designed by Knight Piesold Australia in accordance with industry best practice and include the latest HDPE liner technology.


All mines operated by Nordgold in Burkina Faso (the combined Bissa-Bouly and Taparko) are co-owned by Nordgold and the Government of Burkina Faso, which controls 10% of the operations. Since 2008, when Nordgold first started operating in the country, we have been Burkina Faso’s reliable partner and a major contributor to the country’s economic and social development.

Nordgold grew into one of the largest gold miners operating in Burkina Faso in little over a decade. As we produce close to 40% of our total gold output in the country, we are committed to its economic and social development. Nordgold’s investment in Burkina Faso has exceeded US$1 billion. Additionally, since 2009, Nordgold has contributed over US$400 million to the government in the form of taxes and royalties.

As a major employer, we play an important economic role in driving a fair distribution of wealth. Our operations in Burkina Faso provide over 1,900 permanent jobs in total. 95% of our employees are Burkina Faso nationals, in accordance with the Company’s policy to actively hire and promote the citizens of our host countries.

At Nordgold, we act in a socially responsible way at all times and recognise local communities as one of our key stakeholders. We proactively seek their support and involvement in our projects and are proud of the contribution that our operations make to local communities, host provinces and nations. Nordgold’s concern for, and understanding of, the needs of local communities are an integral part of our approach to doing business wherever we operate. In addition to the thousands of jobs created and millions invested in our Burkina Faso operations, Nordgold has contributed approximately US$15 million in Burkina Faso to social development programmes since 2009 and we intend to continue this support into the future.

The Company’s extensive community development programmes in West Africa are specifically designed following consultation with the local people, with a focus on four priority themes: ‘Quality Education’, ‘Clean Water & Sanitation’, ‘Good Health’, and ‘Sustainable Cities & Communities’.

Byss ingilizcede ne demek, Byss nerede nasl kullanlr

Byssine : İpek. İpekli. İpek gibi. İpek görünümlü.

Byssinosis : Bizinoz. Bisinoz. Bisinozis.

Byssolite : Bisolit.

Byssus : İnce kumaş.

Byssus gland : Bisüs bezi.

Abyssal fauna : Okyanus direyi. Abisal fauna.

Abyss : Derinlik. Hufre. Olağanüstü derinlikte bir yerkabuğu yarığı. Cehennem. Uçurum. Varta. Dipsiz gibi görünen yer. Tamu. Dibi olmayan çukur. Boşluk.

Abyssal : Boşluk ile ilgili. Sınırsız. Okyanus derinliği ve tabanı ile ilgili. Cehennemi. Abissal. Derin okyanusal derinlikler. Denizin en alt tabakalı ile ilgili olan. Çok derin deniz yüzeyi. Dipsiz. Abisal.

Abyssal benthic : Abisal bentik. Okyanuslarda 7301100 metre derinliğin altındaki okyanus tabanı.

Abyssal depth : Okyanuslar ve denizlerde su sıcaklığının sabit bir değere ulaşmış olduğu derinlik. Abisal derinlik. Denizin dibi düz alt tabakalarından herhangi biri.

İngilizce Byss Türkçe anlamı, Byss eş anlamlısı

Sözcükler, direkt olarak Byss ile ilgili eş anlamlı kelimeler olmayabilir. Kelime anlamı benzer olan sözcükler olabilirler.

Supervisor : Yönetici. Danışman. Danışman (üniv.). Müdür. Gözetimle görevli kimse. Denetleyici. Gözetmen. Murakıp. Şef. Denetmen.

Connected : Bağlanmış. İlintili. -e ait. Bağlantılı. Birleşik. İlgili. Akraba. Bağlı. Alakadar.

Connate : Bitişik. Doğuştan. Fıtri. Konat. Aynı soydan gelen. Akraba. Doğuştan olan. Benzer.

Before : Peşin. Önde. Önce. Eskiden. -den önce. Bundan önce. Önüne. Önden. Evvelce. Önceden.

Care of : Vasıtasıyla. Eliyle in dikkatine. Vasıtası ile. Eliyle (mektup). Dikkatine. Eliyle. Yedek ödeyici. İlgisi ödekte belirtildikten sonra çekicisi ya da aktarmacısınca (gerekirse filan kişiye) deyimiyle ödeme işlemi için ikinci ve yedek bir ödeyici daha gösterilmesi.

As much : Aynı miktarda. Aynı seviyeye kadar. İstenilen miktara kadar.

By : Ek. İkinci derecede. Yan. Tali.

For the sake of : Hakkı için. -in uğruna. Hatırı için. Hatırına. Uğruna. Yolunda. Yararına. Başı için. -in hatırı için.

Pending : Boyunca. -e kadar. Beklemede. Sırasında. Gelen. Bir karara bağlanmamış. Askıda. Derdest. Kararlaştırılmamış.

Byss synonyms : guvnor, as as, connection, analogous, domestically, amounting, in the name of, close to, as well as, closer, within doors, at home, homewards, as far as, adjacent, akin, bosom, proportion, chief, to home, baas, in the cause of, inasmuch as, honcho, for the love of, old man, at, at hand, employer, close range, insomuch as, foreman, akin to.

Byss zıt anlamlı kelimeler, Byss kelime anlamı

Employee : Hizmetli. Personel. İşçi. Memur. Eleman. Çalışan. Adam. Müstahdem. Görevli.

Follower : Takipçi. Başlık. Baskıcı. Taraftar. Ahşap başlık. Hizmetli. Peyk. Yandaş. Destekçi. Hayran.


All mines operated by Nordgold in Burkina Faso (the combined Bissa-Bouly and Taparko) are co-owned by Nordgold and the Government of Burkina Faso, which controls 10% of the operations. Since 2008, when Nordgold first started operating in the country, we have been Burkina Faso’s reliable partner and a major contributor to the country’s economic and social development.

Nordgold grew into one of the largest gold miners operating in Burkina Faso in little over a decade. As we produce close to 40% of our total gold output in the country, we are committed to its economic and social development. Nordgold’s investment in Burkina Faso has exceeded US$1 billion. Additionally, since 2009, Nordgold has contributed over US$400 million to the government in the form of taxes and royalties.

As a major employer, we play an important economic role in driving a fair distribution of wealth. Our operations in Burkina Faso provide over 1,900 permanent jobs in total. 95% of our employees are Burkina Faso nationals, in accordance with the Company’s policy to actively hire and promote the citizens of our host countries.

At Nordgold, we act in a socially responsible way at all times and recognise local communities as one of our key stakeholders. We proactively seek their support and involvement in our projects and are proud of the contribution that our operations make to local communities, host provinces and nations. Nordgold’s concern for, and understanding of, the needs of local communities are an integral part of our approach to doing business wherever we operate. In addition to the thousands of jobs created and millions invested in our Burkina Faso operations, Nordgold has contributed approximately US$15 million in Burkina Faso to social development programmes since 2009 and we intend to continue this support into the future.

The Company’s extensive community development programmes in West Africa are specifically designed following consultation with the local people, with a focus on four priority themes: ‘Quality Education’, ‘Clean Water & Sanitation’, ‘Good Health’, and ‘Sustainable Cities & Communities’.

Community initiatives in Burkina Faso include construction of new quality homes for local communities, considerable investment in new infrastructure projects including roads, schools and health centres, as well as investment into agriculture and livestock and supporting the development of small businesses. These programmes are also directly related to helping local communities that live close to the semi-arid region of the Sahel to mitigate the impact of climate change. For example, the Tiben raw water reservoir near Nordgold’s Bissa and Bouly mines in Burkina Faso, also provides a valuable year round water source for the local communities farming activities, essential in an area impacted by climate change.

Бисса и человек

Гребень для волос, изготовленный из панциря биссы

каретт употребляется в пищу, хотя это и связано с риском — оно может становиться ядовитым, если черепаха питалась ядовитыми животными. биссы — во многих странах. Также черепахи истребляются и из-за  — они используются для получения . Из молодых особей изготавливают . По этим причинам, несмотря на довольно широкий , вид находится под угрозой.

Охраняются законом, но часто неэффективно. Охрану этого вида затрудняет разрозненность мест гнездования, отсутствие данных по перемещению популяций и высокая чувствительность черепах к нарушению мест гнездования.

В настоящее время рассматривается возможность полного запрета торговли панцирями и чучелами молодых черепах, а также контроль за сбором яиц.


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Внешний вид

Бисса внешне напоминает , однако мельче её, длина тела 60—90 см, а масса 45—55 кг. С зелёной черепахой биссу иногда даже объединяют в одно .
Панцирь покрыт довольно толстыми роговыми щитками, у молодых особей черепицеобразно налегающими друг на друга, но с возрастом это налегание постепенно сходит на нет. Имеет сердцевидную форму, задняя часть его сильно сужена и приострена. Отличается мощным роговым клювом. Окраска коричневая с жёлто-пятнистым рисунком. На передних ластах обычно по два когтя.


В период размножения самки совершают далёкие морские миграции, чтобы добраться до постоянных гнездовых пляжей. Самые известные места размножения находятся в и на берегах залива на , на побережье к западу от .

Только что вышедший из яйца детёныш биссы

Размер кладки отличается в различных популяциях и обычно соответствует размеру самок. За сезон одна самка делает 2—4 кладки, содержащих от 73 до 182 круглых яиц диаметром до 40 мм. Период инкубации — около 60 суток. Самки приплывают на места гнездования обычно с интервалом в три года.

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