Туризм в Американские Виргинские острова отзывы и фотоАмериканские Виргинские острова


В 1625 году на островах поселились английские и французские колонисты, занявшиеся сельским хозяйством. Затем островами последовательно владели Англия, Испания, Франция и Мальтийский орден.

В 1666 году островом Сент-Томас завладела Дания, захватившая вскоре и остров Сент-Джон, а в 1733 году Дания купила у Франции остров Санта-Крус. Датчане пытались основать на Сент-Томасе плантационное хозяйство, но оно не имело успеха из-за малого плодородия земель, и остров стал одним из центров торговли ромом и рабами. Порт острова Сент-Томас стал базой пиратов. Остров Санта-Крус имел более плодородные земли, и после перехода к Дании там было основано около 200 плантаций сахарного тростника. Восстание чернокожих рабов в 1848 году привело к изданию генерал-губернатором Датской Вест-Индии Петером фон Шольтеном закона об эмансипации. Однако только 20% невольников получили тогда свободу, остальные продолжали трудиться на плантациях в тяжёлых условиях.

К началу XX века производство сахара на Санта-Крусе пришло в упадок и весной острова Датской Вест-Индии были проданы США за 25 миллионов долларов (87 миллионов датских крон), что составило половину годового бюджета Датского королевства. Многие европейцы, покинув свои именья, уехали в Данию. Оставшимся жителям островов в 1927 году было предоставлено гражданство США.

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  • Все материалы по теме


The Virgin Islands were originally inhabited by the Arawak, Carib, and Cermic, almost all of whom are thought to have perished during the colonial period due to enslavement, foreign disease, and mass extermination brought about by European colonists, as is the case in the rest of the Caribbean.

European colonists later settled here and established sugar plantations, at least one tobacco plantation, and purchased slaves acquired from Africa. The plantations are gone, but the descendants of the slaves remain the bulk of the population, sharing a common African-Caribbean heritage with the rest of the English-speaking Caribbean.

In 1916 and 1917, Denmark and the United States, respectively, ratified a treaty in which Denmark sold the Danish Virgin Islands to the United States for $25 million in gold.

In the 1990s, a Puerto Rican tourism campaign renamed the Passage Islands as the Spanish Virgin Islands,[citation needed] though they are seldom[clarification needed] identified as such on maps and atlases.[citation needed] They are part of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, located east of the main island of Puerto Rico. They are closer to St. Thomas than St. Thomas is to St. Croix.


В I веке до н. э. острова были заселены индейцами араваками, которые впоследствии, в XV веке, были покорены карибами, воинственным племенем Малых Антильских островов, в честь которых Карибское море и получило своё название.

В 1493 году Христофор Колумб открыл Виргинские острова. Испания объявила Виргинские острова своим владением, но не стала осваивать их. К островам проявили интерес англичане, голландцы, французы, датчане, а также пираты. Индейское население было практически истреблено.

После попытки заселения острова Тортола голландцами в 1648 году, он был захвачен Англией в . Затем, в 1680 году, англичане заняли острова Анегада и Верджин-Горда. Англичане стали развивать плантации сахарного тростника. Для этого завозили негров-рабов из Африки.

В Англией было отменено рабство, и для работ на плантациях вместо африканцев стали привлекать контрактников из Индии и Португалии.


Geologic map of St. John

Located at the east end of the Greater Antilles, St. John resides on the northeastern end of the Caribbean Plate. The island formed during the Cretaceous with the eruption of the Water Island Formation, consisting of keratophyres and pillow basalts. Igneous activity then changed to that of an island arc, characterized by the Louisenhoj Formation, consisting of andesite and basalt. Volcanism abated during the deposition of the Outer Brass Limestone. Volcanism resumed as evidenced by the Late Cretaceous Tutu Formation, consisting of volcaniclastic turbidites, basalt, and andesite. A diabase dike swarm followed and then compressive folding attributed to the Caribbean Plate colliding with the Bahama Platform. The Late Eocene saw the intrusion of Narrows pluton and Virgin Gorda batholith, associated with the Greater Antilles arc magmatism, and more compressive folding associated with the spreading of the Cayman Trough. This spreading is also tied to sinistral strike-slip faulting at 39 Ma.


The total population of the Virgin Islands is 147,778: 104,901 in the U.S. Virgin Islands, 31,758 in the British, and 11,119 in the Spanish. Roughly three-quarters of islanders are black in the U.S. and British Virgin Islands, while the majority of inhabitants in Culebra and Vieques are of white Puerto Rican descent, with a significant Afro-Puerto Rican community. The main languages are English and Virgin Islands Creole in the U.S. and British Virgin Islands, and Spanish in the Puerto Rican territory. St. Thomas is the most populous island, with St. Croix close behind (51,634 and 50,601, respectively).

Name Sovereign State Subdivisions Area(km²) Population(1 July 2005 est.) Population density(per km²) Capital
British Virgin Islands UK Districts 153 31,758 260 Road Town
Spanish Virgin Islands United States Barrios 378.2 11,119 249.1
United States Virgin Islands United States Districts 346.4 104,901 302.8 Charlotte Amalie

Политическое устройство

Глава исполнительной власти территории — губернатор, избираемый всеобщим голосованием на 4-летний срок. Также всеобщим голосованием избирается сенат территории — 15 членов, на двухлетний срок. Кроме того, жители территории избирают одного депутата в палату представителей США (без права голоса). Жители территории не имеют права участвовать в выборах президента США, но могут участвовать в первичных выборах кандидатов в президенты (праймериз) от Демократической и Республиканской партий США.

Политические партии (по итогам выборов в ноябре 2008 года):

  • Демократическая партия (10 депутатов в сенате территории)
  • Движение Независимых Граждан (2 депутата в сенате территории)
  • Республиканская партия (не представлена в сенате территории)

В сенате территории также представлены 3 независимых депутата.


The Virgin Islands were originally inhabited by the Arawak, Carib, and Cermic, almost all of whom are thought to have perished during the colonial period due to enslavement, foreign disease, and mass extermination brought about by European colonists, as is the case in the rest of the Caribbean.

European colonists later settled here and established sugar plantations, at least one tobacco plantation, and purchased slaves acquired from Africa. The plantations are gone, but the descendants of the slaves remain the bulk of the population, sharing a common African-Caribbean heritage with the rest of the English-speaking Caribbean.

In 1916 and 1917, Denmark and the United States, respectively, ratified a treaty in which Denmark sold the Danish Virgin Islands to the United States for $25 million in gold.

In the 1990s, a Puerto Rican tourism campaign renamed the Passage Islands as the Spanish Virgin Islands,[citation needed] though they are seldom[clarification needed] identified as such on maps and atlases.[citation needed] They are part of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, located east of the main island of Puerto Rico. They are closer to St. Thomas than St. Thomas is to St. Croix.


Численность населения — 106 405 человек (по оценке на июль 2010).

Годовая убыль населения — 0,06 %.

Рождаемость — 11,6 на 1000 (фертильность — 1,81 рождений на женщину);

Смертность — 7,0 на 1000;

Эмиграция — 5,3 на 1000.

Средняя продолжительность жизни — 76 лет у мужчин, 82 года у женщин.

Этнорасовый состав: чернокожие 76 %, белые 15.7 %, азиаты 1,4 %, метисы и другие 6,9 % (по переписи 2010 года).Латиноамериканцы составляют 17,4 % (из них черные 9,9 %, белые 2,2 %): в основном пуэрториканцы 10,3 % и доминиканцы 5,4 %.

Языки: английский 74,7 %, испанский или испано-креольский 16,8 %, французский или франко-креольский 6,6 %, другие 1,9 % (по переписи 2000 года).

Религии: баптисты 42 %, католики 34 %, епискописты 17 %, другие 7 %.

Park history

Park map (click on map to enlarge)

In 1956, Laurance Rockefeller’s Jackson Hole Preserve donated its extensive lands on the island to the National Park Service, under the condition that the lands had to be protected from future development. The remaining portion, the Caneel Bay Resort, operates on a lease arrangement with the NPS, which owns the underlying land.

The boundaries of the Virgin Islands National Park include 75% of the island, but various in-holdings within the park boundary (e.g., Peter Bay, Maho Bay) reduce the park lands to 60% of the island acreage.

Much of the island’s waters, coral reefs, and shoreline have been protected by being included in the national park. This protection was expanded in 2001, when the Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument was created.

In 2006, The Trust for Public Land purchased Estate Maho Bay a 415 acres property for preservation. The property includes beaches, undisturbed forest as well as historic Danish colonial and Taíno Indian artifacts. The trust intends to sell the property to the National Park Service as federal funds become available. In 2011, the trust donated 18 acres at Mamey’s Peak to the National Park Service. In 2012, the National Park Service purchased 58 acres from the trust for $2.25 million, using money from the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund. In 2013, an additional 72 acres of the Estate Maho Bay property was sold to the National Park Service for $2.5 million, the largest addition to the park.

Hurricanes Irma and Maria, both category 5 hurricanes, impacted the Virgin Islands in September 2017. The park received 112,287 visitors in 2018, after having received 304,408 visitors in 2017, and an average of more than 450,000 visitors per year in the preceding ten year period from 2007 to 2016. The park was reopened in December 2017 with all roads, trails and beaches declared accessible to visitors.


The total population of the Virgin Islands is 147,778: 104,901 in the U.S. Virgin Islands, 31,758 in the British, and 11,119 in the Spanish. Roughly three-quarters of islanders are black in the U.S. and British Virgin Islands, while the majority of inhabitants in Culebra and Vieques are of white Puerto Rican descent, with a significant Afro-Puerto Rican community. The main languages are English and Virgin Islands Creole in the U.S. and British Virgin Islands, and Spanish in the Puerto Rican territory. St. Thomas is the most populous island, with St. Croix close behind (51,634 and 50,601, respectively).

Name Sovereign State Subdivisions Area(km²) Population(1 July 2005 est.) Population density(per km²) Capital
British Virgin Islands UK Districts 153 31,758 260 Road Town
Spanish Virgin Islands United States Barrios 378.2 11,119 249.1
United States Virgin Islands United States Districts 346.4 104,901 302.8 Charlotte Amalie


According to the Köppen climate classification system, Virgin Islands National Park has a Tropical Savanna Wet and Dry Climate (Aw). Class A Tropical climates (Megathermal) have every month of the year with an average temperature of 18 °C (64.4 °F) or higher, with significant annual precipitation. Class Aw climates have a pronounced dry season, with the driest month having precipitation less than 60 mm (2.36 in) and less than 1/25 of the total annual precipitation.

The average rainfall per year is 55 inches (1,400 mm). In the winter, trade winds blow from 11 knots (20 km/h) to 21 knots (39 km/h). The average temperature for the park is 79 °F (26 °C).

The park experiences very little temperature variation between summer and winter, while the sea is warm year-round. The main tourist season is from December to April, which are the driest months. During the remaining months (i.e., the Atlantic hurricane season), prices for accommodations are reduced considerably. Camping and rustic lodging are available in the park from November through August at Cinnamon Bay Campground. Caneel Bay Resort provides luxury accommodations along with upscale dining in the park from November through July.

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